6 things Covid-19 has taught us in real estate
There’s absolutely no doubt Covid-19 made 2020 one of the toughest times ever experienced for our entire economy and society – not just those of us working in the real …
There’s absolutely no doubt Covid-19 made 2020 one of the toughest times ever experienced for our entire economy and society – not just those of us working in the real …
When Shakespeare was quarantined due to the Black Plague back in 1606, he wrote King Lear. Isaac Newtown wrote his theory of gravity in 1665 under similar circumstances. Sometimes good …
With multi-party inspections and auctions now shut down, real estate agents everywhere are looking for tech options to help them to continue to list, sell and manage properties digitally. Here’s …
Property managers rejoice! The future of property management from 2020 will see the rise of property managers as the lifeblood of the real estate industry increasing in importance and integral …
What does the future of real estate look like? In 2020 we look into the crystal ball to see what the next decade holds for real estate agents.
This week, I’ve been honoured to moderate the proptech panel at the API Conference on the Gold Coast. It’s a huge event of more than 800 people with a strong …
One of the new essential skills of running a real estate agency is the ability to collect, crunch and manage big data. It’s now the ‘new oil’ helping agents identify …
Even venture capital funds are not immune from competition with new trends in funding – and new players – changing the dynamics of proptech and its capital, the INMAN Connect …
Much of the debate around AI and automation in real estate has focused on whether a robot will take the job of an agent. But that’s the wrong conversation. The …
Selling a home is a shitty process according to Brad Inman and its time the industry stopped defending old habits.