Shownotes for Steve Katanas –HID

Now have you ever rushed into the office running late to realise once that you've left your security pass on the kitchen bench, or in a different handbag - and your day turns to custard because you need to be manually signed in?

Or dashed out to a client coffee, left your pass on your desk and spent half an hour after the meeting trying to find someone to let you through the security barriers while you get side-eyed by the front desk.

Is it just me who is completely hopeless when it comes to security passes? I don't think so. 

Well my next guest is Steve Katanas, head of ANZ for physical access control from HID. HID offers identification as a service removing the need for lanyards and passes by putting your building identification and security passes into your phone using wallet technology. This offers significant productivity and security benefits while also supporting the easier automation of building access. 


Kylie welcomes Steve Katanas to the podcast.

3:10-07:47 - Elevator pitch and building security discussion

Discussion on the importance of building security and the use of digital credentials.

Steve explains the elevator pitch for HID, which provides verified and trusted identities.

Examples are given on how HID's solutions are used in various scenarios, such as

accessing buildings and using mobile phones as credentials.

07:47-09:16 - The benefits of Digital Credentials

Steve discusses the advantages of using digital credentials, such as enhanced access

control and additional services that can be provided through mobile apps.

09:27-13:55 - HID's market presence

Steve talks about HID's global presence and its ability to serve customers in multiple countries.

The discussion highlights the global demand for HID's solutions and the adoption of

digital credentials.

13:55-15:01 - HID in Australia

The conversation focuses on the adoption of digital credentials in Australia and how

it compares to the global market.

31:27-34:49 - Future Plans and partnerships

Steve shares HID's roadmap for Australia and mentions the upcoming global partner program.

The discussion highlights the importance of collaboration and learning from other

technology partners.

34:49-37:23 - It's a wrap.

Kylie thanks Steve Katanis for his insights and apologizes for any interruptions during

the interview.

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