Transcript: StaffLink – Christina Lennie: The intersection of outsourcing, processes and Proptech


Kylie Davis

Welcome to the Prop Tech podcast. It's Kylie Davis here and I'm delighted to be your host as we explore the brave new world where technology and real estate collide. It's so great to have you here and to share stories of innovation and opportunity across real estate, property and building services. The aim of each episode is to introduce listeners to a Proptech innovator who is pushing the boundaries of what's possible across how we design, build, buy, sell, rent, and invest in property and all of the associated behavior and activities around that. Now, none of this would be possible without our sponsors. A big shout out to the Direct Connect team, making moving, easy, dynamic methods, the innovators behind the forms, live and real works forms, and the Proptech Association of Australia. Thank you for your support of the podcast. My guest in this episode is Christina Lennie, Chief Customer Officer of StaffLink. 


Kylie Davis

StaffLink began as a property management Prop Tech, founded by Corey Davis and Joel Davis, no relation and brin humble, but it has now expanded to remove pain across all areas where processes and tech cross over, including sales and even strata management. It was born out of the real life experiences and pain of running a real estate office and all of its solutions are still tested at Image property. This is a fabulous conversation with Christina as we look at the intersection of outsourcing processes and Prop Tech. 


Kylie Davis

So, here to tell us all about it, Christina Lenny, welcome to the Prop Tech podcast. 


Christina Lennie

Thank you very much, Kylie. I feel really privileged to be here, actually. 


Kylie Davis

Oh, no, it's great. It's great to have you guys here. The hardest question is always the first one, what is the StaffLink elevator pitch? 


Christina Lennie

StaffLink help to create more sustainable, scalable and saleable organizations and we do that through tried, tested and proven tech based solutions. 


Kylie Davis

Cool. Now, you guys play mainly in the property management space, is that correct? 


Christina Lennie

We definitely started focusing solely on property management and naturally we've organically grown into sales, commercial and strata as well. 


Kylie Davis

Okay, so tell us more about how it works. Exactly. 


Christina Lennie

Yes, definitely. Look, I think we empower real estate professionals who want to take advantage of technology, remove those inefficiencies within their business, and in turn create a high level of accountability through visibility. What this would look like for a business owner. So, working mainly with those real estate professionals, a business owner in Australia or New Zealand at the moment, you are having to operate in a space where there's a lot of change. That landscape is shifting and we've got a lot of movement in teams. For us, what it looks like, as I said, for those business owners, is we've created and digitized best practice workflows that are followed by all in a platform that is live so that teams can work together. Cool. I did actually reflect on Dean firth from Macquarie at our conference last year mentioned that the rent role is or it does make up 96% of the business value within a real estate business in this market. 


Christina Lennie

The other interesting thing that I've read recently is that a PM in the industry on average is in a role for nine months. 


Kylie Davis



Christina Lennie

Quite concerning for a lot of the clients that we're working with because you've got people that are leaving your business that are taking that information and knowledge on your largest asset and they're walking out the door because it isn't recorded and centralized in one area. I think that really points as well to the issue of the sustainability of take for example, the PM role. I think with the business owners that we're working with, it's about creating those solutions so that they can effectively empower their teams. One Dash, which is a product that sits within our platform, a business owner in Australia can sit at his or her desk and they can see everything that is going on with their PM or their sales business in the one place. They can see from an office standpoint, from a department or from an individual. Okay, how many applications do we need to present to owners today? 


Christina Lennie

It ten, is it twelve, is it 15? How many lease renewal actions do we need to complete today? How many outstanding maintenance jobs do we have today? Being able to take in that large volume of information really quickly in the one place, I think four or five years ago that would have taken you three, 4 hours to get that information, whereas now you can get it in a matter of minutes. That's that business owner perspective in terms of how I see what we're doing with them from a team perspective, I think we're just getting teams to do what they do best. Sales agents. It's listing and selling property managers, it's managing and building those relationships, not completing 84 CMAs for properties and it's outdated. I think the other thing that we've done, particularly with PMS, and we hear this quite a lot, is property managers are afraid to take annual leave and they're afraid to be sick because they're concerned about the workload that they're coming back to. 


Christina Lennie

Whereas this platform is almost creating that live handover of your portfolio at any point in time. Someone could effectively sit in your seat and know exactly the tasks that need to be done. They can comment and read the comment history of that particular lease renewal negotiation application so that they can actually effectively cover that portfolio for that day or that week or that two weeks. I think that's been incredibly powerful for us because we're starting to see that correction of that sustainability in that role. 


Kylie Davis

Yeah, fantastic. The secret source that sits behind some of the work that you're doing is actually this connection with this live connection with the outsourcing and the role with outsources, isn't it? 


Christina Lennie

Yes. We do refer to it as an ecosystem because we have multiple products coming together to kind of enhance that team's journey. You are right, we are overlaying that offshore support into it. Not all of our clients uptake offshore support, and that can be a personal decision they make, but ultimately, that platform allows those teams to work together simultaneously. 


Kylie Davis

Yes. Okay, awesome. Tell us, how did you guys start? What's the background behind StaffLink? 


Christina Lennie

Yeah, so we do own our own real estate business, image Property. They're based in Brisbane sunny coast and down there in sunny Melbourne as well. Sometimes probably not. We started 1213 years ago in terms of image property, and no one knew what they were doing at all. We started with 200 properties and it. 


Kylie Davis

Was sounds like a very typical real estate story when everyone give it a go. 


Christina Lennie

Yeah. About five, six years ago, we had a team were scaling very aggressively as business. Were growing and putting those properties per month on. We knew right then and there that it wasn't sustainable for the PM team and it wasn't sustainable for us as a business. That traditional model of one property manager managing 200 properties end to end, we could see that then it wasn't working. We knew we needed that additional support. We did look to offshoring to do that. That was definitely something we made that decision based on increasing support, not reducing cost. So, went to the Philippines, hired an offshore team, and today some of them are still in that team. We call them the Image OG. So that was incredible. That first variation with that model was, okay, let's map out the roles and responsibilities within every single process. What are those admin tasks that we can actually shift to the offshore team to leverage the PM's time? 


Christina Lennie

So, take, for example, the renewals process. That was one of the first we started with. At the time, the expectation within our team was, okay, you need to create a CMA for every single property and owner. You need to collate the rental analytics. That was the median rent, the vacancy rate, the stock levels in the immediate and surrounding suburbs, and that was the start of it. Not to mention the tenant intentions, the instructions, the lease prep. So, 50 minutes tasks, that was 01:00 p.m.. Doing one property, we clocked it at a 50 minutes task by overlaying a best practice workflow and incorporating the offshore team, we took that down to eight minutes. 


Kylie Davis



Christina Lennie

Immediately we thought, wow, we're onto something here. However, that email back and forth with the offshore team, it wasn't going to cut it and it wasn't scalable. We were determined in order to get to 400 properties to 5000, we knew we had to do things differently. This is where we started to build out that digitized best practice workflow solution. That was kind of that kind of unlocked that ability to go, okay, now we can do this at a much higher level because we've got processes onshore being followed by all and the offshore team. We're using automation to basically dictate what you do next. You're not having to come back to us and say, what do we do now? What's next? What do In this scenario? We had mapped that out and we had the automation set up to basically drive that for the team. That's how we began in our own real estate business and tried and tested it first. 


Christina Lennie

Naturally, in real estate, one person goes, hey, that's really cool. How are you doing that? Business owners are saying, yeah, look, I'm doing offshore, but I'm not getting this result. I think it was one client said, hey, can my offshore team sit with your offshore team? And that's how this began. Here we are four years later, and there's staff link. 


Kylie Davis



Christina Lennie

So that's where we grew from. 


Kylie Davis

Let me ask you a question. Are you happy with your current operational workflow? Are you really satisfied with printing, signing, scanning, and emailing contracts and then having to wait days for them to be signed and returned? Well, I didn't think so. And I have some good news. There is a better way. Dynamic Methods is the team behind leading real estate industry. Tech platforms such as Forms Live, rei forms Live and Real works with a mission to make better happen. Dynamic Methods are dedicated to providing efficiency and productivity tools boosting form technology to real estate agencies across Australia. Each month, 50,000 real estate professionals across eight and a half thousand agencies from every Australian state and territory use Dynamic methods. Form technology empowering more than 7.2 million transactions a year. Dynamic Methods is also proud to host quality integrations with some of the proptech industry's most powerful technologies, such as DocuSign, secure, exchange, equifax, and more, putting everything you need to get forms and contracts filled in, signed, verified, and exchanged into one easy platform. 


Kylie Davis

If you're ready to ditch the pen and paper, make your agency look more efficient, head to Au partners to learn more. 


Kylie Davis

So how big is StaffLink now? What size of you? What are your sort of metrics? 


Christina Lennie

Yeah. In the Brisbane team, as of March 2023, we're 74. That comprises of obviously the sales team that are working with prospective clients. I'm kind of educating them on the benefits of the system. We've got the client operations team, and that's a combination between a training team that are solely focused on training internal team members here in Brisbane, but also the offshore teams. We've got the client success management department. I've got to give a shout out to them. They deploy over 500 hours of support each week to our clients. 


Kylie Davis



Christina Lennie

That is those live sessions with the business owners and their teams on how to use this platform, how do we implement it, embed it into their businesses. We've got the development team, so they're responsible for things like creating our one dash, the hub, and they also are responsible for building all of our custom built APIs with all of the different softwares in this space, which has been phenomenal. We've got the marketing team, which is headed up by Matt Anson, so wouldn't be here today without him. We've got HR and finance, obviously, Philippines. We've got 390 staff that we're supporting over there. So together we're quite a big organization. 


Kylie Davis

Yeah. Well done. That's huge growth for four years. Well done. That was one of the questions you just touched on what is the CRM or the property management system? There a specific one that I need to use with StaffLink or who do you integrate with? 


Christina Lennie

No, we love them all. We can work with them all. We do have an API integration with Propertyme and Property Tree at this point, but we have clients on console cloud rest and it's definitely not something that we're looking to replace. They do that well and that is not an avenue we want to go down, but I think we see ourselves as an extension of them. 


Kylie Davis

Yeah, cool. So what's your business model, Christina? It SaaS or is it how do your clients pay for you? 


Christina Lennie

Yes, it is a SaaS model and that's something where I think as a team that ever changing landscape, we've had to pivot in the last one to two years in terms of what do we see as our focus as a business. In this moment, I definitely think that the ability to provide those solutions, particularly in the property space, is our core focus, complemented by obviously that offshore perspective that we're working with as well. 


Kylie Davis

Yeah. If I'm a real estate, what's the kind of typical real estate agency that would use you? How big are they? What does that avatar look like? 


Christina Lennie

Yeah, look, it's really dependent. 


Kylie Davis

I just freaked out a whole bunch of real estate agents by saying they're an avatar. 


Christina Lennie

Anyway, no, we work with a complete range of clients, so I've got clients on board that they manage 200 properties. They've got one to two agents, right up to 8000 plus properties with a really large sales team. We have the support in place that we can basically recommend a support package based on properties under management, the size of their team and ultimately how quickly they want to embed this system into their business. 


Kylie Davis

Right. How long does it typically take? 


Christina Lennie

Again, we've got two different options. We've got StaffLink Starter, which is very much designed to help those smaller sized businesses. People managing 200 properties and that's perfect for them and that can be rolled out within a four month journey with us. That Client Success Manager is going to really help you to progress and challenge your team because it is a change management piece. That's what that Client Success Management team do incredibly well. It's about removing that fear, challenging the team to go, hey, we can't keep doing it the way that we're doing it. We're not going to survive if we continue to do it that way. The StaffLink pro is definitely for those clients that are wanting to your large corporate groups or your large offices that are really quite robust, they might be onboarded for 812 months. I've got clients that have been on boarded for three years with us because as with property management in particular, it never changes. 


Christina Lennie

It always changes. I should say you've got different team members in there's legislation changes, so they find that very valuable. The sales side we generally tend to find because that life cycle is a lot shorter in the sales landscape. It's a four to six month journey for them. 


Kylie Davis

Yeah. Okay, if I sign up to staff link, have I then got specific offshore staff in the Philippines or am I sharing from a pool or how does that work? 


Christina Lennie

Yes. Every single client will interview and hire their own team members. 


Kylie Davis



Christina Lennie

I think our mentality and we're very passionate about educating clients on the fact that it is their own team member and to incorporate them into their team. The staff that we support are ultimately the clients. So we're not that share pool model. 


Kylie Davis

Okay. We've talked a lot about how it works in the property management space. How does it work in the sales space? 


Christina Lennie

Yes. With the sales space slightly different, we would never want a sales agent. Take for example, jumping into the live platform. 


Kylie Davis

We love sales agents, but you're not allowed touch it, no technology. 


Christina Lennie

The sales journey is slightly different and we really do drive the sales agents to use the platform through the hub. The hub is an LMS style platform and what it does is it's customizing the text back of an agency, including those request forms. Take for example, if a sales agent needs an Ma prepared, they can basically click on a button, enter the details, that goes straight to the offshore team or the sales admin, and that gets pushed back through to them. That hub is ultimately what drives that experience for the sales agents so that they're not having to get too involved in the admin side, which is definitely that platform area. And those workflows. The hub also includes particularly for sales agents and the PMS, it's got the capability of that learning and development piece. A lot of businesses are building out onboarding courses, and they're building out how we manage this internally or what does the sales process look like for us, or who do we use for these types of scenarios? 


Christina Lennie

And really building out that almost global. Coursework and a digital platform for their team, which is incredibly powerful when we're trying to transfer that knowledge. I think, as well, that team performance piece. Using the hub, you can see how is my business performing and how is that individual within my team? It a sales agent and can I benchmark them against other sales agents in my team suburb, state, country. 


Kylie Davis

Wow. Okay. Wow. That's very powerful. What have the biggest challenges been of you guys have grown the business? 


Christina Lennie

I would say scaling it is hard, isn't it? This will be a breeze. 


Kylie Davis

How hard can it be? Oh, God. It is actually really hard. 


Christina Lennie

I think we've doubled in size each year for the last four years, and that's being able to scale the infrastructure, the training, and the talent of the team. It's been a healthy challenge, I think. Brilliant. Our team has got more gray hairs than anyone. 


Kylie Davis

Yeah. Well, look, I'm full of admiration for what you've done because the biggest challenge in real estate that is decades, if not centuries old, is actually mapping the process of what gets done, when and what the workflow looks like. Right. Because we have such a low barrier to entry and it's easy to get started. That usually doesn't happen. Most people just dive in and sink or swim and then just kick as hard as they can to get back to the surface. Right. By you guys actually mapping and product or creating a process around the entire process. That's a huge achievement. Well done. 


Christina Lennie

Yeah. Thank you. And you're 100% correct. The biggest problem we've seen is that lack of structure, and what that looks like is a complete lack of clarity on where do we start, what do we prioritize, and what does finished look like? 


Kylie Davis



Christina Lennie

And you're right. We've got a lot of younger people or people with not as much experience entering this space after a very short course and now doing nothing. 


Kylie Davis

Wrong with that, but nothing wrong with it. 


Christina Lennie

I think we've got to provide them with the tools and the training and the resources. I don't think a lot of businesses right now feel confident in what they have documented, recorded and centralized. 


Kylie Davis

Yeah. When you don't have that, you actually don't have any IP in your business, do you? There's two kinds of businesses. There might be more, but at the moment, I'm going to stick with two. There's either businesses that are energy driven or businesses that are process and structural driven, or the third one is businesses that have got all of those two things going together in the energy in the process of supporting each other. When you start out in a real estate business or in any even a prop tech, it's really easy to just be energy driven. The thinking is, well, if I just work really hard, I'll be able to make this work. That is true for a couple of years until you burn out, until you absolutely wear out. During that time, you need to start to put structures and processes and workflows in place to both make sure that you don't kill yourself and also to make sure that you're being efficient and that you're getting the most. 


Kylie Davis

Out of the business, but also that you're not at the mercy of having a staff member walk out and losing half your profitability or your IP. Just walking out the door. So well done. I just can't believe it's taken you four years to map the space. I would have thought it would take like 40. 


Christina Lennie

Look, I think that's probably the one piece that sets us apart is being able to use Image to try and test every product, every feature, every hairbrained idea that we have. First with Image, prove it, and then release. It to clients has meant that we've got that, I think, a bit of credibility in terms of hey, guys, this is what we are doing. A lot of clients will go, yep, let's do that, because why reinvent the wheel? 


Kylie Davis

Exactly. A very big shout out to all of your team at Image for their, volunteering as crash test dummies. That's awesome. 


Christina Lennie



Kylie Davis

This episode is sponsored by EasyPay. EasyPay makes collecting Prop tech payments easy. As one of Australia's leading subscription payment providers, EasyPay is helping real estate and prop tech businesses to improve rental collection rates, transform arrears management, and increase cash flow. Built for integration with a focus on partnerships, EasyPay's platform works seamlessly with your existing Proptech software, giving you access to industryleading features that enable complex billing and settlement to support trustless business models, discover the power of payment automation, and leverage one of the first platforms to enable the pay to payment, Proptech. 


Kylie Davis

So, look, what do you see coming down the pipe, Christina? What's coming in the future that you guys are trying to prepare and get ready for now in terms of tech or in terms of behavior? In terms of where the industry is going? 


Christina Lennie

Yeah, definitely. I think that what we've done to date is something that our passion for collaboration, even across our clients is definitely there. It's something that we really tried to cultivate into that client culture is that if you're working with a client in WA and they have an issue and we build a solution for that said issue, we will say, hey, are you comfortable if we share that? That collaboration piece across agencies has been incredible for us and it basically started with the fact that were building that ourselves and testing that on our own business. You think you kind of get to this point now and we've been in this space for so long, mapping, documenting, getting that lean efficiency that we're now at a point where we realize, okay, there's a really big opportunity here of consolidation of the market for the businesses that centralize and digitize the storage of information. 


Christina Lennie

You do that and you can implement really high levels of automation and compliance. You're playing in a space that I think what we'll start to see is that agencies that potentially haven't tech enabled their team that aren't data driven are going to find it incredibly hard to keep up with the rate of change that we're about to see. 


Kylie Davis

Well, we're already seeing that, aren't we? 


Christina Lennie



Kylie Davis

There's a lot of businesses starting to hang out the for sale shingle because it's just too hard. 


Christina Lennie



Kylie Davis

Yeah. So, so how is well, how's AI going to affect your guys, your team? Does that does that negate the need for outsourcing or is it going to get to a point where it negates the need for outsourcing or how do you see that space playing out? What has the role of AI? 


Christina Lennie

Yeah, we love it. They're very happy about it. Anything, you've just got to be really I think when you look at something like that, you've got to go, okay, I can either be really scared of this and have that scarce mentality, or you can think, hang on a minute. What's the opportunity here? We strongly believe, especially in this space, you will never be able to remove people. I think it's an industry that is very reliant on people and being able to provide those service and client experiences. We've seen it and I've heard other people on this podcast speaking to it. We're not compared real estate to real estate. We're compared real estate to Google, real estate to Apple. In terms of what is this experience going to be like for me? What's the response time? If AI can complement and provide an additional resource to a team, fantastic, let's do it. 


Christina Lennie

I definitely think that will become an important part of what we're doing moving forward. 


Kylie Davis

A typical property management team of the future, how do you see that structured and how many properties do you think would be under management? 


Christina Lennie

Definitely, look, we've actually started to play in this space ourselves anyway. You got to think image are five years into this journey and it is now at the point where it's compounding the improvements and the efficiencies that we're creating, I think the hybrid model of a PM. We don't have a PM running end to end. We have a PM that is in office 99.9% of the time, and they're supported by an offshore or an internal support team. We've got field service agents, or what I like to refer to as those people that are doing all the out office. All of the routines, entries, vacates, all those types of activities, and that's going to basically leverage that PM or that real estate professional to be able to manage more, do more, but within the hours of 830 to five. That we do find that churn or that transient movement of people that we're seeing right now starts to reduce and that quality and that service increases at the same time. 


Christina Lennie

That's how I see that in order to continue to increase profit of these businesses and have a team that wants to be there, it's going to need to be a different outlook for the team structure. 


Kylie Davis

Does it open up different ways of working for PMS and salespeople? 


Christina Lennie

Certainly. I think realistically, in those businesses, there wasn't that ability to progress. You hit the ceiling if hit the ceiling at 23. Yeah. It's an interesting space in terms of career progression. Whereas what we've been able to do, and what we provide guidance to our clients on is the fact that let's hire and train our own people. We start off you start off at reception, and then you move to a PM assist, and then you go to a field service agent, because that role is generally fantastic for entry level, because it's teaching them those really tactile and explicit skills that they need to know, but they're not in front of our owners or our tenants. Therefore, if they make a mistake, it's not going to impact the service offering or the level too much. That field service level, you move up into a PM, senior PM, and now we can start to see more opportunities in a real estate business like operations. 


Christina Lennie

I think that's exciting to start to see. 


Kylie Davis

Yeah. Awesome. What does the future look like for you guys? 


Christina Lennie

I think for us, the Hub is something that we are really interested in continuing to build and grow. Like anything, we're taking that feedback of image when a feature or product is rolled out, but also taking into consideration what clients are needing a solution for so that visibility on a team member's performance, their engagement, what is the MPs score of the office, the individual, the team? Being able to see that collectively in one place is what we see the future of the Hub. That's what we're very much focused on at this point. We have started to branch into the New Zealand market as well. That's a really exciting opportunity for us to start to help a completely different set of real estate professionals. I think we really just want to continue to build that relationship that we have with our commercial and Strata clients. 


Kylie Davis

Awesome. You're also working in the Strata space? 


Christina Lennie

Yes, we have. 


Kylie Davis

Wow. Okay. Because Strata needs help. Strata definitely needs help. Big shout out to all the Strata managers out there because I know that there is a good proportion of them that are innovative, but the majority are not. 


Christina Lennie

Yeah. Look, the first time that we worked with our. Strata client. I thought, this is scary, but it's amazing because it's just so much that you can actually go, okay, cool. That process that's taking you four to five minutes, we can get that down to five minutes. I think that's yeah, we're really excited about that space. 


Kylie Davis



Kylie Davis

Four to five weeks in some instances. I've been on a Strata committee and it's like, dear God, if the fence has fallen down, it's sitting on people's cars, why do we need to spend ten weeks trying to fix it up the driveway? Why is this still an issue? Awesome. Well, look, Christine, it's been absolutely amazing talking to you. Congratulations on everything you've achieved at StaffLink. 


Christina Lennie

Thank you very much. Great to speak to you as well. 


Kylie Davis

So what did you think about StaffLink? I've been reflecting a lot lately about this extraordinary disparity, if disparity is the right word, and I don't think it quite is, but this gap we've got in Australian real estate, where, at $9.3 trillion, residential property is Australia's biggest asset class, and yet responsibility for it sits with what is effectively a cottage industry. Now, I don't mean that disrespectfully because small business is absolutely the backbone of this country, but let's just take a minute to think about what that means. Small businesses are run by people who have decided to go out on their own and do things their own way. I know this very well. I've done it several times myself. We're usually people who are great at doing something or we have an idea about the way that we think a product or service should be delivered, and then we build a team around us to support us as the owner and do all the things that make us a business rather than just a sole trader. 


Kylie Davis

But here's the thing. For a real estate business to be valuable as an asset, it needs a rent roll that regular subscription revenue is the basis of the business valuation when it comes time to sell, it's regular revenue compared to the peaks and troughs of sales commission. With most real estate agencies run by salespeople in Australia, rentals are delegated to a couple of girls in the corner who are told to make do. Being in a small business with no structural processes around them and needing to do all the tasks that are required to keep the wheels on, they do whatever's urgent. This is what I see is really at the heart of real estate right now. This is that real pain point. As an industry, we need to embrace scale. There's apparently approximately 14,000 real estate businesses across Australia from memory, although I think. 


Kylie Davis

That stats pretty old because it's from the ABS 2016. 


Kylie Davis

Do we really need, regardless what the number is, do we really need, for example, 14,000 bespoken custom ways to run a rent roll or a Strata business or even a sales team, especially when customers and their experiences and what they want is exactly the same, regardless of how many of us are out there. So, look, I'm really impressed with the work that StaffLink have done to map the processes of what a great customer experience looks like and what a good team member experience looks like, and then to bridge that gap between outsourcing and technology and local teams and outsourced teams and their preferences, and to work with whatever property management provider you prefer. I mean, it's basically what StaffLink are offering is a PM solution out of the box that's completely scalable. So well done, guys. Awesome work. What do you think is the nexus between outsourcing and tech? 


Kylie Davis

I'd really love to hear your views. 


Kylie Davis

Now, if you have enjoyed this episode of the Prop Tech podcast, I would love you to tell your friends or drop me a line either via email, LinkedIn or on our Facebook page. You can follow this podcast on Spotify, Google podcasts anchor and Apple itunes. I'd like to thank my podcast producer, the fabulous Charlie Hollins, and our sponsors, Direct Connect making moving easy, dynamic Methods, the name behind Forms Live, Rei Forms Live and Real Works and the Prop Tech Association of Australia's industry body supporting the flourishing Prop Tech community. Now, if you're an Australian or a New Zealand Proptech who would like to be on the show, drop me a line via LinkedIn or Au. Thanks, everyone. Until next time. Keep on prop. Teching. 


Kylie Davis

Do you run a Prop Tech business or are you the founder of a Prop Tech? Make sure you join the Prop Tech Association of Australia. It's Australia's new not for Prop offered association made up of tech people who are passionate about the property industry and committed to improving experiences in how we buy, sell, rent, manage, build and finance property. Joining will give you access to events and networks across Australia and globally. To help you promote and grow your business, go to au and follow the prompts to join.