Console Cloud – Natasha Anich & Matt McGown

My guests this week are Matt McGown and Natasha Anich from Console Cloud, a 30-year old startup that after years of providing server-based software to property management and trust accounting has reinvented itself to cloud-based software that is reimagining the role of property managers to include automation, asset management and profitability analysis of property portfolios.

Matt is the chief operating officer and Natasha is the head of customer success. And in this interview, we talk about how the role of property managers has changed, the technology trends and the importance of data and analytics in understanding the exact work that PMs are doing and spending their time on and how they can use that information to grow and improve their businesses. And we also have a great segment on how to retire an old programme.

01:55 - Console Cloud elevator pitch

07:32 - Property managers are spending time on the wrong properties?

11:44 - How big is Console Cloud?

15:32 - How to move clients to a new platform

20:32 - How is property managers’ work different now than it used to be?

25:17 - What integrations does Console Cloud have?

34:31 - What does the next five years hold in the property management space?

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