REACH – Peter Schravemade: Proptechs Well Worth Watching

My guest in this episode is the irrepressible Peter Schravemade, the head of Australia’s premier proptech accelerator, the REACH Australia program, director of the Proptech Association Australia and someone I am very proud to call a dear friend. 

Pete took up the mantle of the Reach program this year after many years at BoxBrownie, one of the posterboys for scaling Australian proptech where he grew the business into 129 countries through his seemingly constant attendance at industry events around the world and well earned reputation for being great company and quick to shout a beer. 

Now a warning – Pete and I can talk under wet concrete and we do in this episode - as Pete talks through the 2023 Reach Cohort and we go down a few rabbitholes. It’s slightly longer than normal, but worth the listen as we cover a veritable whose who of exciting proptechs well worth watching.

  • What is your proptech’s elevator pitch?

  • So what does your proptech do exactly? What problems are you specifically solving? How big a problem is this to us as a society?

  • How big is the market that you’re operating in?

  • What are the benefits to using your proptech? 

  • Who does it specifically help? Who are your customers? 

  • What's your business model? 
  • Tell us about how your proptech started? How did you get into this craziness known as proptech? What’s your background?

  • How big is your proptech? How many staff? Turnover?

  • What have been the biggest challenges and lessons you learned to date as part of your startup?

  • What is something you know now that you wish you’d known when you started?

  • Who are your competitors in this space? How do you see the competitive space?

  • What do you see are the future trends that will drive your growth and impact our corner of proptech over the next 5 years?

  • What does the future look like for your proptech?

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