Tara Christianson – realestate.com.au

My guest in this episode is the fabulous Tara Christianson, digital strategist at realestate.com.au, and a self confessed nerd girl when it comes to real estate content and digital marketing. Now Tara helps real estate agents understand and navigate digital marketing. She's also a long time Inman ambassador, and she's a fantastic presenter if you've ever seen her on stage.

Now, after the conversation with Damian Merchan from Spoke last week, I wanted to get Tara on the show to continue with the theme of digital marketing in real estate. In this discussion, we unpack further, how do you actually do this digital marketing thing? And we add some more meat to the bones of understanding how all the different elements of digital marketing work together. Now, it's a topic that Tara and I could and have been known to talk about for hours together, often with wine involved, but in the interest of public safety, we've kept this one shorter.

01:32 - Tara gives her ‘Elevator pitch’ and tells us what her role is at REA

03:46 - How has the digital landscape changed since the start of realestate.com?

08:49 - What do agents need to be doing to market themselves? And how does it all fit together? Starting off with listings

18:16 - “There’s no digital strategy anymore, just strategy in a digital world.”

23:12 - Do you think we should be chasing shiny buttons or should we be looking to solve real problems in our business and how do we differentiate? 

26:01 - How do Australian and US attitudes differentiate when it comes to tech and transformation?

35:12 - What about lead buying?

42:58 - What technology do agents need next?

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