Planet Ark Power – Turning commercial property into solar farms

This is one of the most exciting interviews I've done for a long time in my career. My guest in this episode is Richard Romanowski, executive director of Planet Ark Power, a proptech startup that in all seriousness, could save the planet and make Australia alone carbon neutral by 2035. And they can do that just by enabling our existing industrial and commercial properties to feature solar panels on their rooftops.

Why don't commercial and industrial buildings do that already? There's a deeply technical answer to that involving electricity waves that Richard explains to us in this episode and Planet Ark Power solves that through some clever use of AI and a well thought through business proposal that is utterly compelling to landlords. As an agent, you really want to make sure that you get your brain around this because the value this will add to properties is enormous but not to mention that it could spell the end to coal fired power. 

(01:52): The Planet Ark Power elevator pitch. It will blow you away.

(02:32): Richard gives us some background on the power supply industry in Australia and why solar is more than just sticking up panels and using the sun. 

(05:47): How Planet Ark Power fixes the unfixable problem of harmonising electricity flow using AI.

(07:18): How solving that problem lets every industrial and commercial building become a solar farm.

(08:34): The new revenue streams this offers landlords and how Planet Ark Power are solving the infrastructure investment problem.

(12:03): If every industrial rooftop across Australia adopted this technology, we’d be able to supply all our electricity plus 20% extra removing the need for coal-fired electricity. 

(14:47):The role real estate agents can play in this conversation. 

(16:05): Richard provides some case study examples of how the tech has been implemented and the results. 

(18:06): How eleXsys – not Alexa – will dominate power supply. 

(21:19): Richard gives us some background on Planet Ark Power and their recent important phone call from Berlin.  

(23:53): The impact that Planet Ark Power could have on Co2 and emission levels – and the challenge for Australian real estate agents to help make coal power obsolete. 

(26:08): The best technology solutions don’t require government permission. 

(28:20): Richard answers some questions around the battery pack. 

(30:48): Richard explains the company structure of Planet Ark Power. 

(32:27): How turning buildings into solar farms makes electric cars easier. 

(34:58): How eleXsys can build resiliency in remote properties or any of the buildings it services. This has huge benefits during times of natural disaster. 

(36:35): The residential opportunity for Planet Ark Power. 

(38:16): Richard gives us a little bit of background on himself

Watch the video about Planet Ark Power’s technology eleXsys

Email inquiries can be directed to Will Waters

Connect with Richard

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