FutureRent – Godfrey Dinh: A Years Rent In Advance

My guest this week is the founder of an intriguing new property investor proptech - Godfrey Dinh from FutureRent. 

Godfrey has a 12 year history in banking, financial services and property investment having spent nearly four years as a vice president of commercial property at Deutsche Bank and a director of Sanctuary Partners.  

FutureRent is a proptech that forwards you a full year of rent from your property investment as an upfront payment, and then lets you pay it back from your ongoing rent. It’s not a loan - and the repayments simply reduce your rent rather than stop it altogether. And there is no restriction on what you can use the money for - whether that’s to fund another property investment, or just solve a problem in your private life.

01:54 - The FutureRent elevator pitch

05:34 - Who are the ideal clients?

12:23 - Where did FutureRent come from?

15:30 - The FutureRent business model

16:43 - Investing in real estate in Australia needs a shake-up

18:20 - There’s no catch!

21:52 - The channel to market

25:11 - What does the next 5 years hold for property investing?

31:21 - What can I do as a first home buyer?

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