Experts in proptech

and real estate marketing

Proptech Guru we are subject matter experts in proptech, real estate and property

who use our knowledge and contacts to position the expertise and solutions of our clients

as successful innovators. We specialise in establishing our clients as thought leaders, providing

content and digital marketing services that show how your innovative products and services are

the perfect solution to real industry problems.

Founder Coaching

Kylie Davis provides one on one coaching and mentoring for proptech founders dealing with the challenges of starting and scaling rapid growing businesses.

Board and Advisory

Kylie Davis is a GAICD qualified director and holds both paid and volunteer board and advisory committee roles for both proptechs and not-for-profits.

The Proptech Podcast

Hosted by Kylie Davis

The Proptech Podcast explores innovation in real estate and the property industry. In each episode we introduce listeners to a proptech innovator who is pushing the boundaries of what's possible in real estate and explore the issues and challenges raised by the tech.

Proptech Association Australia

Kylie is the founder of the Proptech Association Australia, a not-for-profit trade associationthat is a champion of the real estate technology industry and a leader driving the proptech conversation.